Apr 18, 2024
Tonight on Group Chat News, we're back with another great interview with a friend of the pod Joe Huff who dives into becoming rich in experience, and how to figure out what matters the most to you. After the interview, we dive into some news including Powell's latest comments on the Fed and inflation, how airlines are predicting a record summer, the NBA sets records for attendance and sellouts in a season, and of course everyone's favorite WINNERS, LOSERS, and CONTENT.
Timeline of What Was Discussed:
A Group Chat exclusive interview with a friend of the pod, Joe Huff. He shares his superhero origin story and the tools needed to build a life with experiences and die with no regrets. (0:00)
Jerome Powell is incompetent. (37:19)
The lay-off party is JUST getting started. (43:09)
Cloud-seeding is REAL! (45:29)
NBA is BIGGER than EVER! (52:53)
Winners, Losers, and Content. (57:08)
Related Links/Products Mentioned
Here's why experts don't think cloud seeding played a role in Dubai's downpour
The NBA set all-time records for attendance and sellouts this season
Caitlin Clark has the top-selling jersey EVER for a draft pick across all sports!
The NBA has given Jontay Porter a lifetime ban for violating the league's gambling rules.
Connect with Joe!
IG: @joehuff
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