Jan 20, 2021
Today we've got an interview with Kurt Wagaman of PurLite to discuss the effectiveness and science behind UV light. Then we're discussing the two National Guardsmen who were removed from inauguration security, Mitch McConnell's decision to speak out against Trump, Trump's list of 100 pardons, how much debt is too much for America, Mike Pompeo's genocide accusations against China, Trump's lifting of COVID travel restrictions, the estimation that only 120 million Americans want the vaccine, Ether close to hitting an all-time high, Microsoft's investment in GM's driverless cars, Apple's consideration of a podcast subscription push, Bumble's $900 million IPO, the 21% of Shopify's sellers that are fraudulent, the salary of Postmates' engineers and scientists, Chipotle's collaboration with Shawn Mendes, Netflix's claim that Lupin has been seen by 70 million, As Seen on Social, and more.
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ETH to the Moon – Group Chat News 1.19.21
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